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Don Chamberlin
Chapter: St Louis, MO
Membership: 5 years
Subjects: Medicare and Social Security, Taxes in Retirement
Likes: Helping people, having fun teaching, student quality, our mission, the demand for education, our materials, his AC, and his full classrooms.

Mike Ballard
Chapter: Huntsville/Madison, AL and Birmingham, AL
Membership: 2 years
Subjects: Taxes in Retirement, Social Security, Medicare, and Retirement Income Planning
Likes: The ROI, saving money, comfortability, giving back, meeting other members, our conference.

Mike Mall
Chapter: Cherry Hill, NJ
Membership: 3 years
Subjects: Social Security, Safe Money Principles of Retirement Planning (6 hour college course)
Likes: The educational setting, his students, being different, comfortability, and changing the perception

Shawn Connolly
Chapter: Austin, TX
Membership: 2 years
Subjects: Medicare, Social Security, Retirement Income Planning
Likes: Education, getting into venues that he could not before, his number of strategy sessions, not paying to feed people, our "phenomenal" training
Jack Peregrim
Chapter: Cherry Hill, NJ
Chapter: Shoreline, CT
Membership: 2 years
Subjects: Social Security
"AFEA has been personally, as well as professionally rewarding. I focus on providing value that enhances people's lives, while also receiving benefits for myself."