Our Courses

Our "Mini Workshops"
Our mini workshops are between 1.5 - 2 hours long, they are free for students to attend, and you can typically expect an average of about 25 households per class to sign up. These classes are typically taught in venues like libraries and community colleges, on Tuesday or Thursday evenings, usually from 6:30 - 8:30. If you plan on teaching one of these subjects virtually, count on us to help you shorten your class without sacrificing content! Although we have many more classes available for our members to teach, the topics listed below are our highest performers.
- Social Security Benefit Options
- Living a Tax Free Retirement
- Retirement Income Planning
- Myths and Facts about Annuities
- The Essentials of Estate Planning
- The ABCDs of Medicare
- Taxes in Retirement
Schedule a call with a Chapter Development Specialist to learn more about which of our mini workshops are getting the best results in your area!
1.5 - 2
Hours long
For students to attend
25 avg

Our "College Course"
AFEA currently offers two "college courses". Our most popular college course, Safe Money Principles of Retirement Planning, is a comprehensive retirement planning course. This class is 6 hours long and can be taught over the course of either two of three weeks, which is the Instructor's choice. There is a $49 tuition fee per household required to attend. Most of our college courses are best taught in a University or Community College setting, although in some conditions, other venues may be suitable. You can typically expect an average of about 12 households per college course to register, and the majority of students are expected to attend as they have already paid tuition to do so.
AFEA Pro Educator Elite members also gain access to an Advanced Social Security presentation, which includes additional elements of portfolio planning for retirement. This course requires an $18 tuition fee per household, and is approximately 3 hours long.
Hours long
In tuition to attend
12 avg